Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Foster/Adoption Announcement

When Micah and I first started down this foster to adopt road we told each other that we were going to experience this with as much excitement that we would have if we were pregnant. We have done several things that are similar to what someone would do if they were pregnant. We prepared a room, we took pictures similar to maternity photos (minus the bump ;) ), and we decided to send out announcement's. Most people would send out birth announcements but we wanted to let our family know what we were doing before we have a child in our life. We are pretty close with most of our family but we have a large extended family that may not know that we are becoming foster parents so we thought this would be a good way to let them know. Plus it was fun & exciting for us to do! I found these cards on Vista print. They were actually pregnancy announcements and I just changed the wording! We loved that we got to add a personal message on the back.



Friday, October 24, 2014

The Light

Needles! Oh how I despise you!! They hurt!! Today I had to have some blood work and a TB test done for part of our medical clearance for DHR. I am a horrible patient.... I know it and I own up to it!! This process has been long and stressful but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Only two more weeks of classes!! Whoo Hoo!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Foster/Adoption Pictures

As part of the process we have to make a scrapbook for the kiddos to look at before they come to live with us. It's so they have an idea of where they are going, what we look like, our home and family. I wanted to take some pictures specifically for the scrapbook and for us to keep. My brother took these and I am so happy with how they turned out especially since they were taken on my phone! Who says you need a special camera or even a professional when you've got your brother and an iPhone? :)

Home Study 1: Thumbs Up

Our 1st Home Study was this afternoon and it went great!! It was originally scheduled for last week and had to be rescheduled for today. I was so nervous last week but by the time rolled around today I wasn't really nervous. Just ready. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. It really wasn't scary at all. After she toured our house we sat down to talk and ended up talking for 3 hours! She asked us questions and we had an opportunity to ask any questions we had. She met Charlie and Jake and that went great as well. We never know how Jake will react to strangers but she came prepared with treats so they both loved her! We couldn't be happier to have her as our social worker she truly is a blessing and the reason we think our classes were postponed earlier this year. If that had not happened we would have had a different social worker. I'm sure they are all great but ours is special. Just more proof that God's timing truly is perfect. Now that our 1st home study is behind us we have 3 weeks left in our GPS classes and one more home study! Then we will be ready for placements! 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

This Week

I ordered this necklace about a month ago from Zulily and it finally came in this week! I absolutely love it and what it represents. I wanted to have it say foster to adopt but I was only aloud so many letters so I went with adopting and our initials on the oval.

Also this week the hubby and I celebrated 9 years of marriage! It was pretty low key since we were up to our eyeballs getting ready for our home study. We had dinner and Micah surprised me with a beautiful cross ring for my right hand! It was completely unexpected and I love it! Every year on our anniversary I always reflect on the past years we have spent together and I really feel like this past year has been one of growth. We have grown stronger and closer. I am truly blessed to be able spend my life with him and I thank God every day for putting us together. I have this feeling that this next year is going to be one of our best! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us!

Friday, October 10, 2014


Unfortunately our home study is being rescheduled. Our social worker had something come up and was unable to make it. Thus the life of DHR. On the bright side our house is super clean! We are choosing to remain positive even though we were disappointed because there are simply things in life that we can't control. Like my button on the side says "Find Joy in the Journey Now."

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Final Countdown

It's the night before our home study and I "think" we are least we are as ready as we are going to be! I was fortunate to be off work most this week so I have had time to really deep clean everything. I know that our social worker won't be checking the dust on my baseboards with white gloves but I feel better knowing they are dust free! I will update about how our home study goes. Wish us luck!!

Saturday, October 4, 2014


We are nearing the half way mark with our GPS classes and we have our 1st home study scheduled for October 10th. While I won't go into a lot of detail about our classes I will tell you that they have been eye opening. They have caused us to really examine our reason for pursuing our dream of parenting in this way. That reason is Jesus and all the hurting kids that are out there.

JESUS....because without His love for us we wouldn't have the capability to open our hearts to love a child that ultimately may not get to stay with us forever.

THE KIDS....because once you have heard the stories of what these precious children go through there is no way we can turn our back on them.

So even though we are putting our hearts at risk of being broken we will do this. What these kids have endured is so much bigger than us. We feel blessed that God has called us to be a part of this battle with Him. Because it is a battle. We will fight to pour God's love, our love and restoration into their lives.

"Do not be afraid or discouraged....for the battle is not yours, but God's." 2Chronicles 20:15