Friday, February 28, 2014

GPS classes and a Kitchen Remodel

Tuesday night we attended orientation for our GPS classes. I was so nervous about going but it was great! The two ladies teaching the classes were so sweet and laid back. There were about 8 other couples and 2 single ladies. It was very interesting to hear the different reasons they were all there. Our official classes were scheduled to start next Tuesday night but they had to change the start date to April 1st. At first I was disappointed but then I felt relieved. Right now we are in the middle of a complete remodel of our kitchen. About a month ago we had below freezing temps in Alabama and we had a pipe to burst and ruin our wood floors in the kitchen. So we have gutted everything and are starting over. So if the classes would have started next week I would have been looking at our 1st homestudy in 3 weeks and no way would I have been ready!! So I have plenty of time now. I honestly believe that God has His hand on all of this even down to the smallest detail and that He knew I would have probably had a complete meltdown from the stress! Remodeling a kitchen is ALOT more stressful than I ever thought it would be. Have you ever seen Property Brothers? The people would choose to live in the home during renovations and then whine about it. I always thought they were such babies! HA! I am singing a different tune now! This is tough stuff! My house is a nightmare, I have bins full of my kitchen stuff in the dinning room and my OCD is out of control! Not to mention the decisions you have to make. I am a very indecisive person (just ask Micah) and this has been so hard for me. I want to make the right choice and am scared Ill regret it. Paint is an easy fix but tile, counter tops, and back splash not so much. I am embarrassed to admit I had a baby meltdown in Lowes the other night in the back-splash isle. But the floor is down and it looks beautiful! So hopefully by the end of next week we will have a kitchen again! So in the mean time I am filling out mountains of paper work for DHR. Exciting stuff happening around here!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Valentine's weekend Micah and I went away for a much needed relaxing get away! Micah planned for us to go to dinner and reserved a suite at a very nice hotel in a nearby town! When we got back home we found that a letter had come from DHR!! We are so excited! We have orientation this Tuesday and our GPS classes start March 4th!! Finally!! I am a pretty impatient person so waiting these past few months has been pretty tough but it's all getting stared now & I can't wait to see how God will work through these next 10 weeks!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A little Update

Not much has happened. I called DHR and found out that our classes will begin sometime in March and that we will be receiving a letter in the mail. We are still very excited to begin this process but I have to be honest and say the waiting is hard. VERY hard. We are so ready and being on someone else's timeline can be tough. With that being said we have done a few things. We have bought a tool box that we can lock for our meds!! WOO HOO!! Never thought I would be so excited about a tool box! HAHA!! We have also purchased a twin sized quilt for the bedroom (I've roughly decided on the look I want for the kiddos room...thanks pinterest!). I have also started buying plug covers for all of our outlets!! 

I have to say that through all this I have been shown over and over that this is Gods plan for our family. The past 8 years have been tough but we are starting to see that HE has had His hands all over the past 8 years preparing our hearts.  He has also put people in our lives that have been so supportive and excited for us. I love getting to look back and see how God doesn't leave one detail out of His plan! We are so blessed!

This is the quilt & a pillow we picked up at T.J. Maxx. We are going to not do a theme since we only have 1 extra bedroom and we will need to have a twin and a crib in there. Instead we are going to use different colors and patterns. Grey, yellow, turquoise, and red!

This is the tool box!!

And....the outlet covers. These make me so happy when I see them....they scream K.I.D.S.!!

Hopefully we will have more updates soon!!