Friday, May 16, 2014


So, I have pretty much disappeared for about 3 months. Sorry. Last time I updated we had just had our orientation for our GPS classes. At the orientation they moved the start date for our classes about a month out. Then the Friday before our classes were supposed to officially start (again) I received a phone call. Apparently one of the ladies teaching the classes had changed jobs so the classes will be put off again. As of today they have hired someone and hope to start classes in August. Thanks to my husband to making several phone calls to DHR to ask questions about when they would hire someone and start the classes. Without him I would have went crazy...I wanted to know the info but didn't want to call. I do not like confrontation of any kind and was afraid I would become upset with their lack of concern. What bothers me most about this mess is all the kids that need a home. Where is the concern for them? You always hear how foster families are needed because their are more kids than families. I just don't get it and to be honest it has made me so angry on their behalf. This has made me a little afraid of what working with the state is going to be like. I feel like we have been pulled back in forth like crazy and we haven't even had a class yet!! I have to remind myself daily that my God is the same God today as He was yesterday. He never changes. My life may give me whiplash sometimes but He is always there by my side and sometimes with me in His arms never changing. He knows how all this is going to look like in the end and I have to have trust in that. And in addition to that any child that needs me is worth all the back and forth we have to go through. 

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