Monday, September 22, 2014

The Nesting and Preparing Continues...

Our 1st Home Study is scheduled for October 10th so we have been super busy getting everything ready. The kiddo(s) bathroom was next on the list of things to get done. Below are pictures! 

I am obsessed with this room!! It turned out even cuter than I hoped for! Unfortunately my iphone does not capture the true color of the walls. I had the same problem with the bedroom pictures. I think it may be the lighting in the rooms. My favorite part of the room is the quote on the wall "Wash your hands and say your prayers because Jesus and Germs are everywhere." My mom had this designed and made for me and I absolutely love it! (Its actually navy and not black!)

Tomorrow night is our 3rd out of 10 GPS classes. I will do a post soon about how those are going. But I will ask that ya'll continue to pray for us. We know in our hearts that we are traveling a path that God has set for us but there are moments when emotions take over.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Foster Care/Adoption is not the trendy thing to do....

Earlier this week a friend of mine who is also an adoptive mama to a precious baby girl posted a link on Facebook to a post about how adoption is not a trend. Apparently there is the idea of "adoption is now the trendy thing to do" floating around social media. I have personally not seen this yet so was shocked when I read the post of an adoptive dad defending that it is indeed not a trend. Since reading this I have thought a lot about it and want to give my opinion on whether or not adoption has become a trend or not.

You can probably guess what I'm about to say but Ill say it anyway. Adoption/Foster Care is absolutely not a trend. I do think some may go to a meeting about it or call an agency requesting more info about it because they know someone who is currently going through it, but if they themselves choose to Foster/Adopt that has nothing to do with a trend.

Why do I think that?

Well, no one would ever open up every single aspect of their lives and home for inspection for a trend. Its weird and down right uncomfortable. They would not spend hours filling out paper work for a trend. Its stressful and not fun at all.If they are adopting an infant through an agency or a child from another country they do not spend months and maybe years waiting for their child for a trend. If they are going the route of Foster to Adopt they would not spend hours a week in a class room with homework for a trend. They would not have moments where a paralyzing fear grips their hearts wondering where their child is, what is happening to them, are they hungry, are they scared? They don't pray the prayer of "God please keep my child safe." Knowing the irony of it is that in order for that child to come into their life they are not safe in their current situation but you pray it anyways because you trust your God. Which leads me to if its not a trend then why are so many people doing it?

I believe that people everywhere are rising up and answering God's call to care for these children. It's that simple. The journey God sends us on to come to this point is different for everyone but the reason is the same. You love children and want to give them the best life possible.

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Psalm 82:3