Thursday, January 1, 2015

Its a new year...2015

2015 GOALS :

1. Lose 50lbs......I have always gained weight easily mostly because I am an emotional eater. All kinds of emotions...happy, sad, stressed...I enjoy food and don't enjoy exercise. The most exercise I've been getting lately is my pointer finger swiping the pages on my kindle ;)

2. Essie nail polish......I'm not going to state that I will not buy any because that's just setting myself up for failure. I'm going to try to limit my purchases. Last count I own 15 bottles. Hello, my name is Ashley and I am addicted to Essie nail polish.

3. Drink more water.....on average I MAY drink 16 ounces of fluid a day. I don't intend for this to happen it's just not something I think about.

4. Extending Grace....I will probably always need to work on this and I feel that for the most part it's not hard for me to be forgiving and extending of grace to others.(most part, not all parts)  It's myself that I am so hard on. This past Wednesday it hit me just how hard. I was in the car line at Starbucks and I had allowed my mind to think about how hurt I was about something and the tears just came, uncontrollable tears. Immediately I started to pray. I prayed that God would take these feelings always and that He would forgive me for allowing myself to be this upset in the first place. Then it hit me ....why did I just pray that? The tone of my prayer was like I had just committed some horrible act. When reality all that I did was allow myself to feel my emotions rather than bury them. Which by the way is not very healthy but one step at a time... my point in all this rambling is that God loves us and I don't believe that He would want me to think that my feeling hurt was wrong in some way. So I will continue to go to Him in prayer but I am going to try to give myself a little grace along the way.

What are some of your goals for 2015?

*We are still patiently (Ha!) waiting on the phone call! Keep us in your prayers!


  1. Ashley, you are an amazing young woman with such a love and passion for The Lord and people! I am so glad and honored I got to work with and know you! I love and miss you so much!
    You know The Lord is in control of all things and I am looking forward to seeing what He has in store for you and Micah!! You will be wonderful foster parents and parents!!!
    The Lord has your special miracle for you and He will deliver that beautiful Blessing at j
    JUST THE RIGHT TIME!!!, not too early and not too late!!!!
    I love you both and am so proud of you! I sure would love to see you and catch up!!!!
    Y'all are in our thoughts and prayers!!!!!!
    Just continue keeping your eyes on The Lord! His timing is perfect!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!

  2. We should start a nail polish swap. I LOVE Essie polishes but I've stopped buying them because the last few bottles have gotten old WAY before I finished them! What's up with that?

    1. That is a great idea!!! I don't know why your polish is doing that I have not noticed mine doing that!
