Saturday, August 2, 2014

Not a means to an end.

Over the past several years that word got out that we were wanting to adopt a common theme began to develop. Very frequently and even just this week I'm told "Oh, once you adopt you'll get pregnant." or "We started that/did that but then I found out I was pregnant." While I know these people mean well this always feels like a punch to the gut. I want so badly to say " that's not why we are doing this." But that would be rude because I don't believe they mean it to come out as flippant as it sounds to my ears and I realize that I am sensitive to the subject. What I really want people to know is that yes we want to be parents. Always have. Before we were married we would have long conversations naming our future kids and daydreaming about what it would be like to have babies. 8 years into this journey our desires have shifted. Yes we still want to be parents but its a little different. Since we felt like God was leading us towards foster care our idea of parenting has changed a bit. Our eyes and our hearts have been opened to adopting an older child. We no longer feel like we have to parent a child from infancy. Our desire with becoming foster parents is ultimately to adopt but we also know that there is a chance that this may not happen. God has a plan and we have no idea how that is going to play out. The amazing thing is how he has changed our hearts. Just last night Micah told me that Gods plan may be for us to always be foster parents and never to adopt. That maybe we will just be a moment in a child's life but a moment that we provide all the love that we have to give. I have to admit that this scares me because I want to adopt. I want forever. But this is not about me. This is about the child/children that God has already planned to come into my life and what they need. 


  1. I love this and love you. It's so true that people don't mean the things they say to be taken in a negative's so hard not to though. You and Micah may or may not be forever for a child, but you could possibly be the only good, stable, loving, nurturing, God fearing people in their lives for a moment and that could change their "forever", whether they are with you to see it all the way through or not. You and Micah will be doing God's work, being His hands and feet to children and making such a difference. It takes courage and faith to open your heart and your home with the knowledge that it may not be the ending you want, but knowing it's serving the purpose God has! Proud to call you my friend!!

    1. Thank you so much! You have been such a blessing to me and I am proud to call you friend too! Love you! :)
